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Simply Uncluttered
1. Getting Started
a. How to access Simply Uncluttered
b. How to work through Simply Uncluttered
c. Welcome message & my story of minimalism
d. What to expect from this course
2. Introduction to Minimalism
a. What is minimalism & simple living?
b. Why choose minimalism?
c. Your vision for minimalism: what's your why?
d. Getting your family involved (or not)
3. Your Decluttering Plan
a. How will you declutter?
b. When will you declutter?
c. What will you do with the stuff you are decluttering?
d. What you'll need to get started decluttering
e. Where will you declutter? Prioritize your areas to declutter
4. Take Action!
a. Don't forget to take action!
b. Questions to help you declutter
c. Step one - do a quick sweep through your whole house
d. Step two - clear surface clutter
e. Step three - declutter somewhere easy
5. Step-by-Step Guide to Declutter Your Entire Home
a. How to use this guide
b. Bathrooms
c. Your clothes
d. Kids' clothes
e. Kitchen
f. Toys & playroom
g. Living room & family room
h. Entry way
i. Dining room
j. Master bedroom
k. Kids' bedrooms
l. Spare bedrooms
m. Office & paper clutter
n. Laundry room
o. Linen cupboard & medicine cabinet
p. Hallways & landing areas
q. Storage areas (i.e. basement, attic, storage rooms/closets, etc.)
r. Garage and/or outdoor shed
s. Outside areas (yard, deck, patio, etc.) & outside toys
t. Extra spaces (i.e. sun room, porch, cold room, etc.)
6. Tips & Tricks to Stay Motivated While Decluttering
a. Tips & tricks to stay motivated while decluttering
b. Tips to declutter when you're short on time
c. Kick-start your decluttering: 30 easy things to get rid of
d. Easy ways to make decluttering fun
e. Decluttering sentimental items
7. Maintaining Your Minimalist Home
a. Regular decluttering & maintenance purges
b. Establishing new habits & routines
c. Stopping the inflow of stuff - how to shop like a minimalist
d. Dealing with gifts on holidays and birthdays
e. The minimalist mindset shift
8. How to Celebrate Your Newly Decluttered Home
a. Congratulations, let's celebrate your hard work! And stay in touch!
b. Decorate with thought and intention
9. Applying Minimalism to Other Areas of Your Life
a. Decluttering your schedule
b. Simplify meal planning - an example of decluttering your schedule
Reclaim Your Life Summit video interview with Melissa of Simple Lionheart Life (26:59)
d. Getting your family involved (or not)
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